How to Use Plastic Bag and Film Recycling

I’ve always wondered what kind of plastic you could put in the plastic bag recycling.  You know those bins in front of the grocery store?  In California, where I am, every grocery store is required to provide a plastic bag recycling bin.  I always figured you could only put grocery plastic bags in there.

Turns out there’s a lot of stuff that can go in there!  Here’s a list I found online.  Read More

Reducing Plastic Waste at the Bulk Bins

Refilling a spice jar from the bulk bin

In theory, using the bulk bins can reduce plastic waste.  The item itself doesn’t come wrapped in plastic, but the way you use it just might.  If you go to the bulk aisle and use one of the disposable plastic bags to fill up with your items, then go home and use it and throw the bag away, then you haven’t saved any packaging at all.  That’s how I used to do it.  Then I started thinking about all that plastic in my garbage can and figuring out how to reduce it. Read More

What You Can Do to Help Stop Climate Change – A List of Ideas

What you can do to act on climate change

When I was looking for what I can do to help, I found it kind of hard to figure out.  I mean, there’s a few lists around that either are general or list a few top 5 items, but what about in my particular case?  There are so many things and it’s hard to know where to start.

When thinking about your total carbon footprint, the key categories are energy use in the home, transportation, food, garbage and waste, and voting and politics.  Read More

My Personal Story of Climate Change and Environmental Interest

My personal story of climate action

I recently read an article about climate change and its effects on the world and humans that inspired me to take action.  Well, inspired isn’t the word – more like scared, terrified, horrified and shocked with the reality of what is happening.  Here’s the article: The Uninhabitable Earth from New York Magazine from July 9, 2017.  That’s when I realized that the changes are coming soon, and the earth may become uninhabitable during my children’s lifetimes.  Read More

Where to Start: Use Reusable Grocery Shopping Bags

Reduce, reuse, recycle.  Maybe the best place to start is reusable bags.  A lot of people use reusable bags now.  Otherwise, you end up paying to buy plastic or paper bags at the store and then having to recycle them or throw them away later.  Plastic waste is made from oil and creates garbage and pollution in our oceans.  Your goal is to throw away as little as you can.

There are 2 key steps to remember to use reusable bags:

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